Friday, December 21, 2012

Gift Giving Traditions Around the World

Gift Giving Traditions Around The World

This interactive gift giving map, brought to you by Cloud 9 Living, is meant for world travelers, study abroad students, those living in or visiting a foreign country; and anyone with curiosity about cultures, traditions and etiquette standards around the world.

The map specifically covers gift giving traditions in China, India, Japan, Brazil, Turkey, Zimbabwe, Italy, Sweden, Bolivia, Tibet, Morocco, Russia, Samoa, Israel and the English Commonwealth. With holidays ranging from Diwali to Christmas, and traditions from gifting yogurt to pulling on earlobes; everyone will learn something new.

1 comment:

  1. I think bizare facts, it depends from what side you are looking for.

    When I speak with guys abroad, they do not understand why kids are not helping parents financially and vis versa. Why students are coming out totally in debt having rich parents and paying 6-7% interest to a bank on it?

    There is a lot of odd traditions, but highlighting them just reflect inability to be tolerable and learn about new cultures and surroundings.
