Sunday, October 2, 2011

YTD Portfolio Performance -- End of 3rd Quarter

After a very rough third quarter, our sample highly diversified balanced portfolio has returned -8.10% for the year, slight outperforming the S&P 500 with its -8.77% return. Readers might recall the Meredith Whitney prediction of doom for Municipal Bonds. Ironically enough, Municipal Bonds have turned in the best performance of the year in this portfolio.


  1. Whitney illustrates the futility of making predictions.

  2. I have to admit I used the Whitney prediction to buy more muni bonds for my portfolio.

  3. I haven't evaluated my investments, probably because I am afraid to.

    I liked your previous comment Biz!

  4. Everyone seems to have predictions on what might happen next and one gets it right, but not consistently though, just like market timers! :)

  5. yuck...I guess my tactic of doing nothing this quarter but sitting on my extra savings in a low yielding savings account has actually been a brilliant investment move. Scary stuff.

  6. The bear growls. We are back to '08 levels.

  7. The allocation is right on. Sit tight and ride the bear out.

  8. Dave@ No plan to do anything else. :-)
