Sunday, April 25, 2010

Markets in Everything: Virtual Goods

Social media site Facebook currently has over 400 million users.  Many of these Facebook users play a game called Farmville by Zynga Software. Personally, I think Farmville and Facebook, for that matter, are gigantic wastes of times, except when it comes to tracking down and getting in touch with old friends.  So I spend little to no time on these sites.  But Farmville seems to be one of those games that is addictive for many Facebook users.  Farms require constant attention and other farmers often gift things to their friends, which, of course, must be reciprocated in kind.  Farmville thrives off of peer pressure and competition in the virtual world.  Where Zynga Software makes their money is by selling the gamers of Farmville accessories for their farm such as windmills, farm animals and equipment.  Who in their right mind would pay real money for bits and bites in the virtual world of Farmville you might ask? Evidently a lot of people.  Zynga Software had revenues in the area of $450 million this past year.  Not bad for selling make-believe stuff. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you truly support markets in everything?
